KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
As part of this investment, carried out in extremely difficult terrain and time conditions, Mostostal Warszawa S.A. displayed reliable and expert technological, technical, and engineering knowledge and perfect work organisation as well as a high quality of work. The engineering staff of Mostostal Warszawa S.A. showed a high level of competence at every level of contact with the investor. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. with complete confidence provides Mostostal Warszawa S.A. with references in the delivery of very large and complex investments that require large amounts of expenditure, good organisation of work, thorough technological expertise and engineering.
Fabryka Kabli "Ożarów" S.A.
Construction and assembly works were completed efficiently and on time, which allowed the imported equipment to be installed and commissioned on time. The cooperation with Mostostal Warszawa S.A. was very good and with full conviction we can recommend this company as a solid and reliable partner in joint project implementation.
"Stomil-Olsztyn" S.A.
The contractor has a high quality staff of professionals and has considerable production potential. After extensive experience in cooperation with the company, we evaluate highly its organisational and implementation capacity, the quality of work and the flexibility to adapt to the current needs and requirements of the investor.