Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.
Poland Best Employers 2022-2024

Find out about Mostostal Warszawa

Ewa Korecka
Settlement Specialist
Ewa Korecka

Ewa Korecka / Settlement Specialist

Good day. My name is Ewa Korecka. At Mostostal Warszawa I work as a Settlement Specialist. I was very pleased with the proposal to re-hire me at Mostostal Warszawa. Here I took my first steps and gained experience in the Settlements Department. The kindness and professionalism of the entire team resulted in the fact that my work became my passion. Mostostal Warszawa is a good employer and cares about building a unique atmosphere in the team. Every employee feels important, needed, appreciated and respected here. I will not exaggerate when I say that today I come back here with a smile on my faces as if I are close to my relatives.


Piotr Chciuk
Works Manager
Piotr Chciuk

Piotr Chciuk / Works Manager

Hello, my name is Piotr Chciuk. I am a Works Manager at Mostostal Warszawa. I have been working in the company for almost five years. In fact, the turning point in my life was that after twelve years of wandering around Poland in order to find a job, a very interesting offer from Mostostal Warszawa appeared where I live, near Rzeszów. At that time, it was a project in the Design and Build system in the Stalowa Wola and Nisko bypass. After the completion of the Stalowa Wola bypass, there was an opportunity for further cooperation and further employment in this company on another contract. My experience of working on the Stalowa Wola and Nisko beltway convinced myself that Mostostal Warszawa is a company where the work is well organized. From an engineering point of view, an interesting challenge is also the fact that an element of this project is, inter alia, the construction of a tunnel with a length of over two kilometers. Another project appears in the future: we are entering a hilly area, where we can expect interesting bridge structures.


Jakub Pielich
Works Coordinator
Jakub Pielich

Jakub Pielich / Works Coordinator

Hello, my name is Jakub Pielich and in the company I am a Works Coordinator at the construction site of a residential building in Poznań. I have been working at Mostostal for five years. I started my career at the Tender Department in Poznań during my studies, then I found myself on the construction of the "Focus Mall" Shopping Center in Zielona Góra, and currently I work on a construction site of residential building in Poznań. I work at Mostostal because I like the work we do and the people I work with. I have learned a lot from them and am still learning. I have many interesting experiences and memories from each construction site. I also like the fact that you can see the effects and progress of works: we start from undeveloped land and, reaching the next stages, we create a completely new building.


Katarzyna Kordońska (Dębska)
Main Specialist on BIM and Digitalisation
Katarzyna Kordońska (Dębska)

Katarzyna Kordońska (Dębska) / Main Specialist on BIM and Digitalisation

Hello, my name is Katarzyna Kordońska and I work at Mostostal Warszawa as the Chief Specialist for BIM and Digitization. On a daily basis, I deal with the implementation of digital technologies, development of BIM standards and support for others in creating BIM models. What I like most about Mostostal is the opportunity to work on interesting projects and the atmosphere in the team. My adventure with Mostostal began in the last year of my master's degree studies. I started my work with an internship and now I work as the Chief Specialist for BIM and Digitization. What I liked most about the internship was that from the first day I was given a very interesting task, my teammates welcomed me very warmly and helped me solve various problems. I liked the scope of tasks and responsibilities in the position so much that after being offered to stay, I gladly stayed.

(recording from 2022):


Jarosław Stobba
Construction Manager
Jarosław Stobba

Jarosław Stobba / Construction Manager

Hello, my name is Jarosław Stobba. I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for eleven years as a Site Manager. There is no monotony in Mostostal, there are always new, interesting projects taking place. Mostostal has curious people who always have the opportunity to develop. Several times I was sent to interesting trainings that allowed me to gain new skills and new knowledge. During eleven years of work at Mostostal, I felt safe thanks to the fact that the company is very stable and ensures continuity of employment. I was never afraid of having to look for a new employer after the end of the contract. All the time for me it was construction work or bidding. At work, I like direct supervision over people and being on the construction site. I get goosebumps when I have to sit at the computer for a long time, sit and fight with it, and I prefer to be with people to see what is happening on the construction site. I cannot imagine not working in construction, it is a dream come true.


Dorota Cuber-Fiutowska
Dorota Cuber-Fiutowska


Hi, my name is Dorota, I have been working for Mostostal Warszawa for three and a half years. I represent the Purchasing Coordination Department and work as a Coordinator. My duties include cooperation with construction sites in the field of purchases. On a daily basis, I deal with the analysis of decision-making documents and purchase plans, I also deal with the preparation of reports, analyzes and summaries for the Management Board, I help in finding suppliers and subcontractors and participate in negotiations. An additional scope of my duties is the preparation, negotiation and signing of framework contracts. As a service department, we are the link between construction sites located in various regions of Poland and the Management Board of the Company. The advantage of working in my Work is that it is not strictly stationary in the office, but also on construction sites. An additional advantage at Mostostal Warszawa is an additional day off, the so-called "Employee's Day" and shorter Fridays.


Jacek Wojtyła
Site Manager
Jacek Wojtyła

Jacek Wojtyła / Site Manager

Hello, my name is Jacek Wojtyła and I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for 13 years. Currently, I am employed as a Site Manager. I started my career at Mostostal as an apprentice during my studies. Then I was a Site Engineer and Production Preparation Specialist, then I was promoted to the Works Manager, and next to the Site Manager. I'm living in Krakow and throughout my employment with Mostostal I have been working exclusively in this city. We form a well-coordinated, permanent team with the people I work with. Over the years, we have completed a number of investments together, and several of them have been awarded the title of Construction of the Year.


Aneta Kiełczewska
General Construction Works Manager
Aneta Kiełczewska

Aneta Kiełczewska / General Construction Works Manager

Hello, my name is Aneta Kiełczewska. I’m the General Construction Works Manager at Mostostal Warszawa and I have been working here for almost 11 years. I have already worked at Mostostal on seven construction sites. Initially, I worked as a construction engineer, then after graduation and obtaining the qualifications I was promoted to the General Construction Works Manager. What I like the most about working at Mostostal is working with people, but I also like the fact that working on construction sites in Mostostal is safe. The OHS department in our organization cares about safety at construction sites, but also cares about our awareness of the importance of safety at work on a construction site.



Robert Kiezik
Contract Manager
Robert Kiezik

Robert Kiezik / Contract Manager

Hi, my name is Robert Kiezik. I work as a Contract Manager. I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for 14 years. I started my career at Mostostal with the position of Works Manager. I work at Mostostal for many reasons. One of them is the fact that I am always in contact with people who want to help me. There is no rat race. Another reason is that my bosses have always entrusted me with difficult tasks that required non-standard actions and skills, and thus allowed me to prove myself. Working in such a large company, we are part of an efficient organization and everyone has a part of the work to do, needed by other people so that they can continue to work. We also benefit from the work of people who prepare the contract early. I like construction work, because here we create something and then we can see the effects of it and serve the wider community.


Marcin Braś
Managers of bridge and tunnel works
Marcin Braś

Marcin Braś / Managers of bridge and tunnel works

Hello, my name is Marcin Braś and I am the manager of bridge and tunnel works on the S19 Rzeszów Południe-Babica contract. I started my career in other construction companies, since 2017 I have been associated with Mostostal Warszawa. I started my work on the construction of the Strzyżów bypass, from this contract I transferred to the S19 Rzeszów Południe-Babica contract. We are currently in the execution phase, we are carrying out portal works on the southern portal. There is always a very good atmosphere in Mostostal. I met very nice, interesting people, I feel very good at working in this company. We also have a great management team. I recommend to everyone.


Beata Byrska-Knutel
Production Preparation Specialist
Beata Byrska-Knutel

Beata Byrska-Knutel / Production Preparation Specialist

I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa since June 2021 as a production preparation specialist. I am a graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology, majoring in mining and geology. I work on the implementation of S19 Rzeszów Południe-Babica expressway. Our implementation is interesting in that it is a tunnel section. Apart from the tunnel construction itself, we also have a lot of bridge structures. Therefore, it is a very interesting section and requires a lot of work. It is certainly a unique project in the country, so it is also interesting and very developing. I like working at Mostostal because of the people I work with, not only in the team but also throughout the construction site. The atmosphere throughout our big team is positive, encouraging cooperation and motivating us to work every day.


Aleksandra Kubiak
Finance and Economics Specialist
Aleksandra Kubiak

Aleksandra Kubiak / Finance and Economics Specialist

I have been working at Mostostal for 4.5 years. I work as a finance and economics specialist, which means I am an economist on the construction site. I deal with invoices and budget matters. What I like most about my job is that although I am not from the construction industry and don't know much about construction, I learn a lot because as a financier I can learn about construction not from the construction aspect, but from the aspect of how it looks like in the form of costs or revenues. I get to be on a variety of construction sites, from prefabricated bridges to, like now, a residential building. I like what I do at Mostostal, not only because I deal with invoices and paperwork, which I really enjoy, but also because of the nice atmosphere, the friendly relationships with my colleagues and the fact that by spending so much time together we feel comfortable with each other and form very good. relationships.


Karol Krzciuk
Contract Manager
Karol Krzciuk

Karol Krzciuk / Contract Manager

During several years of work at Mostostal, I have worked on many interesting projects, many of them at places that are of key importance to Warsaw, e.g. the reconstruction of Plac Grzybowski, the development of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at Warsaw University of Technology, and construction of a building for the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency in Warsaw.

In 2017 I got promoted to the Deputy Contract Manager, and in 2022 to the Contract Manager. I was a senior production planning specialist before. My work really translates into the success of others. It is a great responsibility but also brings great satisfaction. In total, I have worked on about 10 projects, which makes me very proud. An additional advantage is the fact that I have participated in projects that have changed the landscape of Warsaw, which gives me great satisfaction and energy for further action and development.

Katarzyna Deja
Administration Affairs Specialist
Katarzyna Deja

Katarzyna Deja / Administration Affairs Specialist

I remember when my colleague told me that a new department was going to be created at Mostostal Warszawa. I thought this was the perfect job for me, and soon after, I was employed at the company.

I know that Mostostal values my commitment and provides me with many opportunities for personal and professional development. Construction sites are scattered around the entire country, which allows me to get to get to know many regions of Poland and their inhabitants, traditions, a frame of mind and business conditions – it is a huge advantage and a great motivating force.

I am proud of my company’s achievements. When Mostostal won the tender for the construction of the Arena Hall in Kraków, I was happy to be part of that success. Despite being a large company, Mostostal does not forget about charity – for many years now, we have been involved in The Noble Box Project which I have a pleasure to coordinate in the South Branch as well as educational workshops for children during Wolontariat Day.

Marcin Kondraszuk
Director of the Production and Organization Support Office
Marcin Kondraszuk

Marcin Kondraszuk / Director of the Production and Organization Support Office

I feel strongly associated with Mostostal Warszawa - I spent most of my professional life in the company. I started working here in 1998. For over two decades, I have been observing dozens or hundreds of successful investments. At each of them my attention was drawn to thing that is characteristic for Mostostal - we engage the best engineers, managers and specialists.

Currently, I am the Director of the Production and Organization Support Office.

Tomasz Adamczyk
Construction Manager
Tomasz Adamczyk

Tomasz Adamczyk / Construction Manager

I started my adventure with Mostostal Warszawa SA in 2007.

I started my work as a Site Engineer at the extension of the national road No. 7, Białobrzegi - Jedlińsk section. Currently, I work as a Contract Manager on the construction of the Morawica and Wola Morawiecka bypass on the DK73 road, section I. In the meantime, I managed to visit a nice part of Poland, opening, among others, the last section of the A-2 motorway, thus enabling the journey to Euro 2012 Berlin - Warsaw.

Every day at the construction site is different and there is no time for a routine here. It is the constant problem solving and facing new challenges that motivates me to work.

In retrospect, one thing I can say for sure that the most important thing is the team of people you work with. It is the team that has the strength that translates into the success of a given construction site.

In this respect, it is the greatest advantage of Mostostal Warszawa, which employs the best specialists on the market, enabling the implementation of construction projects in many industries throughout Poland. I am very happy that I can actively contribute to road construction and leave a visible mark for many years.



Jakub Blacha
Logistics Specialist
Jakub Blacha

Jakub Blacha / Logistics Specialist

I am a Logistics Specialist at Mostostal Warszawa on the construction of the S61 expressway. We meet many interesting people in the organization. There is a lot of variety all the time. Working in my position, I connect people working in the office with people who work in the construction sector. The most important thing is the atmosphere and relationships with people at work. We spend many hours with them every day, cooperating and taking advantage of the fact that we can learn a lot from other people.



Agata Cudak
Site Engineer
Agata Cudak

Agata Cudak / Site Engineer

I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for about three years. I am a Site Engineer, I was also a Tender Inspector for a while. I feel good in a large team. I think it's good for the atmosphere and there are more people who can help me as a new person in the team. I think the more different people there are, the more you can learn. Everyone has their own experiences, which they share with their colleagues in subsequent teams. This is really valuable. More and more women appear at construction sites. It seems to me that this industry is less and less dominated by men, and it is going in the right direction.



Barbara Michnik
Works Coordinator
Barbara Michnik

Barbara Michnik / Works Coordinator

I started my adventure with Mostostal Warszawa during the inter-semester internship. I have been with the company since March 2018. I work in a team that made a great impression on me from the very beginning. They are incredibly experienced people who shared their knowledge and accepted me into their group very warmly and with great understanding.



Piotr Budziński
Director of the Contract Group
Piotr Budziński

Piotr Budziński / Director of the Contract Group

I am the Director of a Contract Group in the Western Area. I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for almost three years. I am a civil engineer, I have been in the industry for 16 years. I want diverse people in my team. Due to the fact that everyone is in a different place in their career, with different experience, they can actually learn and support each other. Young engineers who are just starting their adventure in construction can watch experienced engineers. These, in turn, can start innovating with younger colleagues. These elements complement each other and therefore the team works optimally. In my opinion, people in a team cannot be the same, they have to be different.



Beata Inglik
Infrastructure Area Assistant
Beata Inglik

Beata Inglik / Infrastructure Area Assistant

I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa all my life. Currently, I am an Assistant in the Infrastructure Area, although previously I worked in other departments. I believe that women in the organization are treated as equal to men. We take positions from Assistants, Site Engineers, even Contract Directors. I am the best example, as an employee of a construction company that would seem typically male, that as a woman I feel very comfortable here. There is no division between men and women. We are all treated equally, regardless of the position, type and nature of work.



Wojciech Cesarz
Industry Works Manager
Wojciech Cesarz

Wojciech Cesarz / Industry Works Manager

Over 11 years of work at Mostostal Warszawa allowed me to take part in the implementation of many very complex and advanced investments. I have worked in many teams with different lineups. There were young and more experienced people, as well as people like me who have been working in the profession for over 25 years. Everyone could bring something to the team. In my case, a large part of the problems that happened on the construction site have happened to me before. It allows me to take a slightly calmer approach to problem solving and create a less nervous atmosphere. In turn, younger colleagues can infect you with enthusiasm and not let "rust" in professional career, and also provide support in new tools used in construction. I learned intuitively through practice, and they can move very efficiently and thanks to their help I can save a lot of time.



Marta Łupińska-Jaszczołt
Business Development Coordinator
Marta Łupińska-Jaszczołt

Marta Łupińska-Jaszczołt / Business Development Coordinator

I have been working at Mostostal Warszawa for over 14 years. It was here, as a young woman, that I took my first steps and developed my potential. I started my career as an Assistant. Today I deal with business development. At work, every day I draw from the diversity and experience I have acquired over the past 14 years, working with people of different nationalities, with different years of experience and of different ages. We include engineers as well as financial controllers, accountants and lawyers. We all make a team. We are diverse and we benefit from it. We get to know ourselves all the time and try to broaden our perspective. Diversity is our driving force.



Abder El-Masri
Site Manager
Abder El-Masri

Abder El-Masri / Site Manager

I come from Jordan. I came to Poland in the 1980s. I worked in Szczecin, Otwock and at the construction of a swimming pool in Bydgoszcz. We've always been like brothers. In our team, everyone could count on the other person. I can also count on my friends because of the language. Even though I have been in Poland for 40 years, sometimes I need help. I feel very well here, everyone approaches me with sympathy, the atmosphere is friendly.



Bożena Główka
Head of Controlling Department
Bożena Główka

Bożena Główka / Head of Controlling Department

It is hard to believe, but in 2021 it will be 20 years of my work at Mostostal Warszawa. It is an interesting and developing job, from a specialist at the construction site to a managerial position in the Controlling Department of the company's headquarters. I work with engineers on the construction site, foreigners, women and men. Due to the constantly evolving scope of duties, the work never ends and it never gets boring.



Grzegorz Sikorski
Contract Director
Grzegorz Sikorski

Grzegorz Sikorski / Contract Director

I am at Mostostal Warszawa for the second time. After a six-year break, I returned to the company. I am the Contract Director at the S61 construction site in Ełk. A diverse team always gives you more opportunities, although it takes a lot of commitment and work. Each of us brings something new and valuable, thanks to which we create a better whole. We have over 30 percent of women on the team. They are people of different ages, with different education and experience in working on a construction site. Everyone brings their own personality, it gives us the opportunity to prepare our work better in a good atmosphere.



We are a team of people who every day pursue the passion for state-of-the-art constructions

Age of the youngest employee
20 years
Age of the oldest employee
71 years
Average age of the employee
38 years
Age of the youngest manager
28 years
Age of the oldest manager
65 years
Manager's average age
42 years
Average seniority
5 years
Currently the longest seniority
45 years
Percentage of employed women

Join our team!

We are a team of people who pursue a common passion for modern construction every day.