Extension of the Teleradioteraphy Department of the Onkology Centre in Wrocław
The agreement for the realization of the task was signed 27 April 2006. The scope of the contract encompassed an annexe to the existing radiotherapy laboratory with the new diagnostic ambulatory section along with bunkers for accelarators.
Investor: Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego
Contractor: Wrobis S.A.
Contract value: PLN 6,34 mln
Implementation period: 2006–2007
Country: Poland
Voivodeship: Lower Silesia
Selected projects
Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering Management of the Poznań University of Technology
Total surface:
19 931 m2
Contract value:
71 875 790,22 PLN gross
Completion date:
18 months