Construction of Home for Single Mothers with Children at Skierdowska Street
The concept assumed backbone and modular construction of four single-storey buildings with no basement. The supporting structure of each module is a rigid frame made of steel profiles. The foundations were made in traditional technology using strip and pad footing. The property was fenced and has an access road with gate.
Construction realized according to the rule design-build encompassed:
- demolition works along with cleaning-up the area of the investment and necessary administrative decisions,
- preparing design documentation,
- construction works,
- and design and execution of the deep-water well.
The agreement was signed 8 April 2010.
Investor: Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa – Stołeczny Zarząd Rozbudowy Miasta
Contractor: Mostostal Warszawa SA
Contract value: PLN 8,4 mln
Implementation period: 2010
Country: Poland
Voivodeship: masovian
Selected projects
Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering Management of the Poznań University of Technology
Total surface:
19 931 m2
Contract value:
71 875 790,22 PLN gross
Completion date:
18 months