
Construction of the didactic building for the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Poznań

Contract value: 31,53 mln zł

New building of 14 412 m² of surface will have five storeys, and the front elevation will be made of glass. Inside will house, among others, two 160-metre, equipped in audiovisual equipment, lecture rooms and a space for Faculty of Turistics and Recreation, Faculty of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Neurobiology as well as modern animal labs.

  • Inwestor: Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu
  • Wykonawca: Mostostal Warszawa
  • Wartość kontraktu: 31,53 mln zł
  • Okres realizacji: w latach 2010–2013
  • Kraj: Polska
  • Województwo: wielkopolskie
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