Education of Small Engineer
Foundation for Development of Education of the Small Engineer
Foundation for Development of Education of the Small Engineer is convinced that science is fascinating, not boring. Its statutory aim is to enhance the level of education among children and youth regardless their status, their income and where they live. By disseminating sciences and technology, showing science through nature, the Foundation wants to take care of as great number of young scientists as possible and to teach them how to discover the world. The Foundation is strived to increase hunger for knowledge, inspire interest in science, experiment, teach solving problems creatively and think outside the box.

Together for the Others
Convergence in the goals, passion for science, willingness to support small engineers in developing valuable skills that will be an advantage in the future inspired Mostostal Warszawa to help the Foundation in its pursuit. The company organized the second edition of the MOST OF ALL project and moved from a focus on work-life balance rules to a focus on social support.
Employees participating in the project could fulfil a passion for sports and take up challenges in three categories: walking, running and cycling. As the initiative had been enjoying a huge interest for the first time, in the second edition which lasted from July to September 2017 each kilometre changed into one zloty. This is how sports team of Mostostal Warszawa composed of 70 employees covered a distance totalled in 18 000 km. The funds raised during MOST OF ALL Together for The Others have been used to finance educational classes organized by the Foundation for Development of Education of the Small Engineer.

Power of creative games
The raised money will allow organizing 120 hours of fantastic workshops for 40 children under the care of Afterschool Activity Center no. 3 in Warsaw's Praga district and to sponsor extra teaching materials. The programme includes robotics classes, interactive games with Lego Mindstorms and original classes for young chemists. This educational cycle will last from the end of November 2017 until the end of May 2018. Classes will be held four times a month. Children will be able to develop different skills simultaneously, including manual skills and creative thinking.
During workshops, kids will try their hands as constructors and scientists which definitely awakes their natural desire for experiments and to seek answers for questions about the surrounding world. In addition, employees of Mostostal Warszawa will join several classes to tell the youngest how to care about the natural environment each day and to shape their eco-awareness. The first classes of the half-year cycle took place on September 27, 2017, when small engineers constructed a sumo robot, got to know what magic slime is and watched a show with dry ice.