Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.
Poland Best Employers 2022-2024

Work Life Balance

Apart from work – Work Life Balance

Mostostal Warszawa is well aware of the fact that employee mood is the necessary element of each company's development. This is why we are continuously implementing and running a vast number of social initiatives, including society, health and education, which help the employed to improve and develop not only their professional, but also private lives.

Dwie godziny dla rodziny

By organizing campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles or balanced private and professional life, the company is striving to show that it treats its employees with honesty and provide them with support in every sphere of life not only in professional dimensions.

One of the initiatives promoted by Mostostal Warszawa includes the "Two Hours for Family" campaign held in Poland since 2012. As part of the International Family Day falling on May 15, the employees are allowed to leave work 2 hours earlier than usual. The campaign is aimed to support family relations and help the employees maintain proper balance between their professional and private lives.

In addition, Mostostal Warszawa is also involved in pro-health policy through a cycle of health-related educational campaigns. We are offering extensive Health Prevention Programs, i.e. "A Healthy Woman" and "Healthy Man" run in close cooperation with our medical partner. The policy also includes free healthy meals for construction workers.

The employees of Mostostal Warszawa have 3 additional days off work due to important national holidays, i.e. Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and Employee's Birthday. In addition, the white collar workers are free to take advantage of shortened work time on Fridays (work ends at 1:30 pm). The company also promotes an active lifestyle by ensuring employee participation in "Multi-Sport" activity program or by providing facilitations for persons commuting to work by bicycle.

Endomondo drużyna Mostostalu

In the pursuit of healthy lifestyle and well-being of employees, the company supports internal initiatives that encourage to physical activity and spend actively the leisure time. Together with Acciona, Mostostal's employees took part in the first international sports competition – eHealth Challenge. Teams of the company reached high positions in the overall classification.The competition has shown how sport develops a team spirit and that sport is the best remedy for well-being. As a result in Mostostal a sports program was launched with the use of Endomondo, which engages employees from offices and buildings throughout Poland. The action allows realising sports passions and recreational activities whilst participating in the corporate rivalry. In addition, it also provides a lot of excitement and encourages employees to take up outdoor activities.