Report 32/2021 Conclusion of an Annex to the Contract for the Construction of the S61 Expressway - Szczuczyn – Budzisko
The Mostostal Warszawa S.A. Management Board ("Company") announces that on 18 August 2021, the Company as a member of the consortium consisting of: Trakcja S.A. ("Lider"), Mostostal Warszawa S.A. ("Partner") and Przedsiębiorstwo Eksploatacji Ulic i Mostów Sp. z o.o. ("Partner") signed with the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Branch in Olsztyn ("Employer") Annex No. 3 to the Agreement for the implementation of the task entitled: "Design and Construction of the S61 Expressway - Szczuczyn - Budzisko (state boarder) with the Separation of Tasks: Task No. 2: Ełk Południe Junction - the Wysokie Junction (along the along route 16) Section”. The Company notified on the Agreement in the current report 37/2018.
The subject of the Annex is the extension of the works, including the ground replacement due to different land conditions than those provided for in the project. According to the Annex, the Employer will pay the Consortium the additional remuneration in the amount of approximately PLN 23.12 million (net). The actual amount of the remuneration will be confirmed by quantity measurements, i.e. by confirmation by the Employer of the completed works, and may slightly differ from the value provided for in the Annex.