Report 31/2021 Conclusion of an Agreement for the Construction of Storage Tanks at PERN SA
The Mostostal Warszawa S.A. Management Board of ("Issuer") informs that on 28 July 2021, the Consortium of Mostostal Warszawa S.A. ("Lider") and Mostostal Płock S.A. ("Partner") - a subsidiary of the Issuer (48.69% shares, 53.10% votes at the General Meeting) concluded with PERN S.A. ("Employer") a contract in the amount of PLN 258.95 million gross for the implementation of the following tasks: "Construction of 3x32,000 m3 Storage Tanks for Class III Petroleum Products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 1 in Koluszki", "Construction of Storage Tanks 3x32,000 m3 for Class III Petroleum Products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 2 in Nowa Wieś Wielka "," Construction of a 32,000 m3 Storage Tank for class III Petroleum products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 21 in Dębogórze ".
"Construction of 3x32,000 m3 Storage Tanks for class III Petroleum Products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 1 in Koluszki"
• Value: PLN 105.53 million gross
• Issuer's share in the Consortium: 31.31%
"Construction of 3x32,000 m3 Storage Tanks for Class III Petroleum Products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Terminal No. 2 in Nowa Wieś Wielka"
• Value: PLN 109.45 million gross
• Issuer's share in the Consortium: 31.26%
"Construction of a 32,000 m3 Storage Tank for Class III Petroleum Products with Accompanying Infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 21 in Dębogórze"
• Value: PLN 43.97 million gross.
• Issuer's share in the Consortium: 35.76%
The main provisions of the contract:
• Completion date: 50 weeks
• Payment term: 30 days from the date of delivery to the Employer of a correctly issued invoice
• The maximum warranty period is 60 months
• Performance bond: 10% of the net remuneration in the form of a bank or insurance guarantee.