Report 23/2024 -Shareholders holding at least 5% of the votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Mostostal Warszawa S.A.
05 December 2024
The Management Board of Mostostal Warszawa S.A. (‘the Company’) informs that the Shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2024 were:
1. Acciona Construcción S.A., Madrid, holding 12,426,388 shares entitling to 12,426,388 votes, representing 76.45% of the number of votes at that Meeting and 62.13% of the total number of votes.
2. Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU ‘Złota Jesień’ holding 3,827,053 shares, entitling to 3,827,053 votes, representing 23.55% of the number of votes at this Meeting and 19.14% of the total number of votes.