Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

All-around Safety Week 2017

17 May 2017

The 4th edition of Safety Week was held under the banner „Safety – Pay it Forward!”. Between 8-14 May, at building sites of Mostostal Warszawa across the country took place various events promoting occupational safety rules. - Even though Safety Week is organised once a year, life and safety are our core values that we respect on daily basis. We organise Safety Week to show our industry and community what’s the most important – points out Andrzej Goławski, President of the Management Board Mostostal Warszawa.

Each year we organise Safety Week at construction sites of Mostostal Warszawa, as all members of the Association for Safety in the Construction. In this particular time of the year, employees take up various activities meant to remind us about the relevance of safety in the work environment, promote safe and responsible behaviours. In this pursuit, it is possible to make an overview of current knowledge and learn the latest information about health and safety policy.   

As a member of the Association Mostostal Warszawa has implemented the highest health and safety standards. The company, for many years actively involved in promoting safety, managed to develop enhanced health and safety management system. Subcontractors that Mostostal Warszawa cooperates with in the execution of construction contracts, have to comply with more restricted requirements and thereby are also positively affected. Sustained action for promoting the culture of safety of work is generating great benefits and also helps to unite construction community. Openness and solidarity of the industry under the common purpose: ‘zero accidents’ is best visible during Safety Week.

– Even though Safety Week is organised once a year, life and safety are our core values that we respect on daily basis. We organise Safety Week to show our industry and community what’s the most important. There is no bigger or more structured initiative which would have as much influence in the construction circles. Mostostal Warszawa with other member companies of the Association set an ambitious goal: to eliminate accidents on the site –, especially fatal accidents. In the pursuit of this goal, the whole industry is positively affected – added Andrzej Goławski, President of the Management Board of Mostostal Warszawa.

During, Safety Week at sites, teams had meetings with representatives of the National Labour Inspectorate, participated in an overview of tools, took part in training, e.g. regarding safe transport to the site, fire protection, edge protection. The training on-the-job and spectacular presentations also took place, e.g. at the construction of the new power units in Opole companies of the consortium organised Safety Week together. Our crews in Opole could see staged car accident and rescue of the injured of the burning vehicle.

Caring for health and safety Mostostal Warszawa is developing pro-health strategy towards employees. Safety Week was also a good opportunity to train people on first aid. Such training received employees in the office and on the site. What is more, in the headquarters was organised Day of Health. On that day everyone could get advice from a dietitian or learn how to work ergonomically, spend time off work, e.g. using multisport cards offered by the company.

In addition, management board visited building sites of Mostostal Warszawa across the country, particularly important considering the main theme of the action: Safety – Pay it Forward! Finally, this year’ edition of the Safety Week was focused on supervisors instead of subordinates. During Safety Week in Warsaw were organised two trips of students from University of Life Sciences and a class of high school students. There was also art competition for children of employees: ‘My parents working safely’.

We encourage you to take a look at photos taken during this year’ Safety Week!