S19 Tunnel construction site opened to firefighters
On 7 May 2022, on the construction site of S19 Rzeszów Południe-Babica, exercises were held by municipal fire brigade units.
The event called "Babica 2022" was attended by municipal voluntary fire brigades and the Czudec State Fire Service. In total, 46 firefighters from 6 OSP units appeared on the construction site (Babica, Czudec, Pstrągowa Dolna, Wyżne and Zaborów). The exercises included extinguishing a residential building, evacuation of the injured from a smoky room and a buried place, conducting operations with the use of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment and providing qualified first aid. The training was aimed at improving cooperation of TSO and PSP units from the Czudec commune.
- It was with great pleasure that we made our construction site available for firefighter exercises. During these, key health and safety issues were demonstrated. For us, as a founding member of the Agreement for Safety in Construction, it is extremely important to cooperate with fire brigades and other services which care for our safety. We would like to thank for the professional conduct of the action and for providing us with the necessary knowledge which allows us to save lives on the construction site – says Marcin Krysiewicz, Head of the Health and Safety Department.
The exercises were one of the elements of Fireman's Day celebrations (May 4th) and the 150th anniversary of the Rzeszów Fire Brigade. Mostostal Warszawa and Acciona have assumed patronage over these events.
Photos: MW.