Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Safety Week at Mostostal Warszawa

17 June 2015

Over 30,000 employees nationwide will participate in Safety Week 2015 organised by the 10 largest national construction companies. As part of the event, Mostostal Warszawa conducted a series of training sessions and educational workshops for company employees and subcontractors. The greatest amount of interest was reserved for the fire service demonstrations, first-aid techniques and a presentation on safe work at heights.

‘Safety – a shared concern’ was the motto of the II National Safety Week and it turned out to be an excellent opportunity for Mostostal to underline the significance of the company's OHS policy and to address the key objective, i.e. total elimination of occupational accidents.

"As a company with a 70-year long tradition in the Polish market, we pay great attention to uniform, clear, and enforceable OHS rules. During the Safety Week, we place an emphasis on education regarding compliance with safety regulations, as there are no higher priorities for us than protecting and taking care of what is most precious to each of us – human life. The second edition of the event attracted a great deal of interest amongst all employees. We are already collecting ideas and looking forward to the next edition," says Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Management Board at Mostostal Warszawa.

During the event, 30 000 company employees and subcontractors, members of the Agreement for Safety in the Construction Industry group, participated in trainings sessions, courses, presentations, and hands-on exercises concerning OHS. The most popular were the first-aid courses conducted by professional rescuers in simulated conditions.

"At Mostostal, these activities were carried out at various places including the Aqua Park Tychy construction site, Jordanki Concert Hall in Toruń, and Międzygminny Zakład Zagospodarowania Odpadów (Inter-Commune Waste Management Plant). There was a also a lot of interest in fire service demonstrations involving the subcontractors, and the educational workshops organised at the Kamienica Jeżyce in Poznań for the students of Poznań University of Technology," says Mariusz Piątkowski, OHS Department Manager at Mostostal Warszawa.

An initiative such as the National Safety Week, which brings together thousands of people associated with the construction industry, provides an opportunity to change one’s own safety culture and that of subcontractors nationwide. The organisers jointly decided that the Safety Week should be continued in future years.

Please see pictures from the national Safety Week held at Mostostal Warszawa's construction sites and a video at:

Mostostal Warszawa is an active member and founder of the Agreement for Safety in the Construction Industry association with ’Zero Accidents’ at construction sites as its motto. The association was founded in 2010 and it pulls together the largest Polish general contractors (Mostostal Warszawa, BilfingerInfrastructure, Budimex, Erbud, Hochtief Polska, Mota-Engil, Polimex-Mostostal, Skanska, Unibep, and Warbud). The association's objective is total elimination of fatalities at Polish construction sites. To meet the objective, the members of the association have developed a series of projects introducing OHS system solutions at construction sites across Poland. National Safety Week is one of these solutions – it is the only such large-scale educational project in Poland. Safety Week activities are attended by some 40,000 employees each year.