Our team from the construction site in Gdańsk awarded for high OHS standards
The consortium of Mostostal Warszawa and Mostostal Płock received the first prize in the 'Build Safely' competition. The prize was awarded to the team from the construction site in Gdańsk with PERN as an investor.
The award on behalf of the consortium was received by: Krzysztof Świderski - Construction Manager (Mostostal Warszawa) and Jarosław Walentynowicz - OHS Coordinator (Mostostal Płock).
- Congratulations to our team from Gdańsk on the award in the 'Build Safely' competition. I am glad that our involvement and accuracy in matters of work safety were noticed and appreciated by the National Labor Inspectorate - says Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board of Mostostal Warszawa.
The organizer of the competition is National Labor Inspectorate - Regional Labor Inspectorate in Gdańsk.