Official: the buildingSMART Polska Association branch of the international organization buildingSMART International
On 5 June 2019 The buildingSMART Polska Association and the international buildingSMART organization have signed an agreement on the creation of a Polish branch of the organization. Mostostal Warszawa is one of the founding members of the Association, and Juliusz Żach - Head of the Research and Development Department at Mostostal Warszawa - its President.
- Mostostal Warszawa has been the leader of innovative construction in Poland for many years. As the first company in the industry, in 2005 we established our own Research and Development Department. Open BIM * standards are fundamental to us as a general contractor. They will enable more efficient management on our construction sites and at the same time guarantee data exchange between software from different manufacturers - Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board of Mostostal Warszawa stated. – for us, it has the importance that we obtain values from our strategic investor, the Acciona Group. It is worth noting that Acciona is the leader of the Spanish buildingSmart branch.
buildingSMART International is an independent, non-profit international organization whose goal are to create, improve and promote open standards of information exchange in the construction sector. Concluded on 5 June 5 2019 contract assigns the buildingSMART Polska Association the rank of the national branch of an international organization.
- We have been conducting BIM research and development projects for over 6 years. We have been involved in the initiative to establish Polish branch of the buildingSMART organization developing the BIM standard. This is a continuation of our competence building in the field of technologies previously identified as future-oriented - Juliusz Żach said.
BuildingSMART Polska Association - the Polish branch of BuildingSMART associates participants of the construction market and their business partners. Currently, they are supported by:
ELECTRA M[&]E Polska
MOTA-ENGIL Central Europe
Click to go to the buildingSMART Polska Association website
* BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a technology based on digital data used in construction, during all phases of the investment life cycle (planning, design, implementation and operation). In BIM technology, the main source of information is a 3D model, in which elements replicate in virtal reality elements with information about their physical and functional features (element properties).
BIM technology enables elimination of errors related to the lack of consistency of documentation, incorrect interpretation of design solutions, work on various data resources, which in the traditional approach (two-dimensional drawing documentation and accompanying descriptive documentation) are difficult to identify. BIM technology also allows for better communication and exchange of data between all participants of a given investment process, both at the global level: investor, designer, general contractor as well as local: architect, designers of individual industries.
Photo (from the left): L. Włochyński, Operations Director, buildingSmart Poland, R. Petrie, Chief Excecutive, building Smart International, J. Żach, Head of Research and Development Department at Mostostal Warszawa, President, buildingSmart Poland, P. MacLeamy, Chairman, Board of Directors, buildingSmart International. Fig. Sheila Kerai-Lum.