Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Mostostal Warszawa to build the MPWiK headquarters in Warsaw

27 August 2015

A consortium consisting of Mostostal Warszawa and Acciona Infrastructure has signed a contract with the Municipal Water Supply and Sewage Company (MPWiK) for the construction of an energy-efficient office building on Czerniakowska Street in Warsaw. The estimated value of the investment is nearly PLN 40 million. This is a further project, after the modernisation of the Warsaw Filters, for MPWiK.

The contract includes the construction of a three-storey building with accompanying infrastructure 
at the River Pump Station on Czerniakowska Street in Warsaw. Mostostal Warszawa will build a structure with a total area of ​​8,300 square metres and a capacity of 35,000 cubic metres. Under the contract, the Warsaw-based company will design and implement solutions to reduce the energy consumption of the building together with the use of renewable energy sources. The facility will also be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

"For 70 years, Mostostal Warszawa has been creating the architectural landscape of Warsaw, which is why we are delighted that once again we will have the opportunity to create a new office in the capital. In each project that we carry out we are looking for innovative solutions – in the case of the headquarters of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company the focus will be on the use of renewable energy sources. The use of modern energy solutions especially the use of renewable energy is a cost-effective way to strengthen the security of the energy supply. It should also be noted that in 2007-2010, Mostostal Warszawa completed an intermediate ozonation and active carbon filtration station at the Central Water Plant of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company. Then we had to deal with a structure that was protected by the heritage conservator and the building we constructed was a reference to the historical architecture of the Warsaw Filters in its form and finish,” said Artur Soczewica, Director of the Central Department of Mostostal Warszawa.

The construction of the offices of the Warsaw Municipal Water and Sewage Company in Warsaw will be carried out as part of the project ‘Water supply and wastewater treatment in Warsaw - Phase V’, which has a chance of receiving funding from the EU Operational Programme ‘Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020’.

The deadline for completion of the investment is planned for the fourth quarter of 2016. 
Design Office: Prochem
Investor: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Warszawy.
General contractor: Mostostal Warszawa
Date of signing the contract: 25.08.2015
Date of completion of the project: IV quarter of 2016
Estimated value: PLN 38 491 078.31 gross 

Basic parameters of the structure:
Built area – 2000 m²
Total area - 8300 m²
Usable area - 5800 m²
Cubic capacity - 35,000 m³
Number of floors: 3