Mostostal Warszawa – the Leader of Safe Work
Safe Work Leaders’ Forum decided to honour the Mostostal Warszawa company with the Gold Card of Leader. It is the highest distinction granted for the members of the Forum for the efects of activities carried out to enhance level of workplace health protection and safety.
Companies that apply for the Gold Card of Leader have to fullfill a number of significant requierments. Among other things, they must indicate that occupational accident rate and work-related illness rate in enterprises do not surpuss the national average in that area of economy or that diversified contribution for social accident insurance is reduced. Moreover, a company which applies for the certificate should have elaborated and implemented an occupational health and safety management system or certificate of competency recognition in workplace health and safety issued and endorsed by educational institution. During the proccess of verification it is being reviewed if a given company conducts systematic preventive activities and improves level of occupational health and safety and if promotes them in mass media, including publishing houses of Central Institute of Labour Protection – National Research Insitute (CILP-NRI). It is also important to actively cooperate with the mentioned Institute, at least 5 years.
During XVIII Conference Safe Work Leaders’ Forum in Pulawy Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board for Management and Administration in Mostostal Warszawa, received The Gold Card of Safe Work Leader for Mostostal Warszawa.
„Mostostal Warszawa is a member of Safe Work Leaders’ Forum since 2000. We are proud that our activity in enhancing level of safety at building sites has been rewarded with the highest possible award – the Gold Card of Safe Work Leader. It is a special distinction for our company, because taking care about our employees, improving standards of health and safety at workplace as well as achieving our goal of „zero accidents” at building sites are key objectives of our strategy. The Gold Card of Safe Work Leader is a confirmation that we have taken a good path and a commitment for the future – for a continous improvement in employee safety standards” – said Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board for Management and Administration Mostostal Warszawa.
Safe Work Leaders’ Forum is an organization coordinated by the Central Institute of Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CILP-NRI) which brings together 119 enterprises. „The Forum is a platform of contacts between its members and serves to exchange experiences and good practices in creating safe working conditions and proper ergonomics with substantial support of CILP-NRI” – added Marek Piątkowski, Chief of Departament of Occupational Health and Safety in Mostostal Warszawa.