Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Mostostal Warszawa plays with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

17 January 2024

For auction, a unique attraction along the construction route of the S19 section - Tour of the TBM "Karpatka" Machine. The auction started on January 16 and will continue until February 9, 2024. This year, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is raising funds to purchase specialized equipment for diagnosing, monitoring, and rehabilitating lung diseases in pediatric and adult pulmonology departments.

The TBM "Karpatka," which is the subject of the auction, is:

  • an impressive machine weighing 4,367 tons that will bore a tunnel 2,255 meters long along the Via Carpatia Rzeszów-Babica route.
  • the machine's shield alone weighs 400 tons, with a diameter of over 15 meters.
  • the shield houses 471 tools for drilling, and the maximum pressure exerted by "Karpatka" during boring is 31,700 tons.




















The entire Poland followed the machine's transport

The transport of "Karpatka" from Spain to Poland was an exceptional logistical operation that drew media attention, as well as hundreds of people who gathered along the machine's route. The machine arrived in Szczecin from the port in Santander, and from there, it was transported to Opole on a barge. The overland transport began there.

Due to its size and immense weight, the machine was transported on high-grade roads and bridges capable of withstanding such loads. The convoy carrying the largest element, the head, measured over 70 meters and weighed about 500 tons.

The convoy transported a total of 5 loads and moved only at night, with a speed of 10 km/h on bridge structures and 20-30 km/h on straight sections. The S19 section with the tunnel bored by "Karpatka" is one of the most interesting and technologically challenging infrastructure projects in Poland.

The consortium of Mostostal Warszawa and Acciona Construcción is responsible for executing the contract.








Auction link:

Auction conditions:

  • auction execution: until June 30, 2024,
  • number of participants (winners): 3,
  • tour location: Czudec (participants' travel to the construction site at their own expense),
  • tour duration: a minimum of 2 hours,
  • the construction team will show the winners the construction site, the TBM machine, and the tunnel boring location up close. They will also share challenges and interesting facts related to the project.
  • winners will be provided with a 4x4 car ride on the construction site where the Via Carpatia route is being built,
  • occupational Health and Safety training conducted by Mostostal Warszawa, along with the provision of personal protective equipment (Mostostal Warszawa helmet as a souvenir for the winners),
  • sweet refreshments with beverages will be provided.

Join us in playing with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

photog. (1),(2), MW. 
photog. (3), WOŚP.