Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Mostostal Warszawa Mostostal Warszawa develops the first world’s termochemical battery

07 April 2016

For dozen of months international consortium with Mostostal Warszawa has been working on project which may become a breakthrough for the use of renewable energy sources and for creation of the most efficient seasonal thermal energy storages. On 4-6 April 2016 in Warsaw took place workshop of partners of the innovative research project called MERITS. We presented assumptions, objectives and the latest results produced through joint work of world of science and industry.

MERITS, that is, More Effective Use of Renewables Including Compact Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage, is a research and development project that aims to face Europe’s energy efficiency challenges in housingsector and to minimize negative impact on the natural enviroment at the same time. The project has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme which is the primary instrument of European Union for financing research and technological development.

In the scope of the project Mostostal Warszawa SA as a representant of industry cooperates with research entities and universities from Germany, Belgium, Holand, Spain and Great Britain. Once again our company has taken part in a prestigious, international project, partnering research centres from across Europe and successfully realizing another complicated and technologically advanced task. The realization of the project encompasses proposing new, innovative material, design and installation solutions. Mostostal Warszawa collaborated in constructing the Test Field Demonstrator which simulates a dwelling and participated in tests on developed solutions. The prototype system conducted on a laboratory scale was adapted to the real-world conditions and that is the first attempt of this kind in the world made in order to verifytechnology’s assumptions.The project includes also development of business models and strategies for its further implementation – said Andrzej Goławski, President of the Management Board of Mostostal Warszawa.

Reserach issues of the project focus on developing technology of heat energy storage generated, for example, from solar radiation. This technology uses chemical reactions which occur between hydrated salt and water and allows to concentrate the same amount of energy that can be contained in one cubic metre of water, but yet in a smaller volume unit. At the same, the method eliminates problem of energy loss over the course of time. Energy deposited in thermochemical battery can be used, for example, for heating, cooling and production of hot domestic water. Energy obtained during summer can be used during the winter months which is the key advantage. In case of conventional method, that is storing in water, it would not be achievable. Technologies of energy storage are designed for better use of renewables, especially in climate conditions similar to those in Poland.


Grey, metal, inconspicous container. Such containers we can often see on the site, but this one is special. It has a unique equipment which allows to store heat energy more efficiently by using thermochemical battery. The container is divided into three spaces: processing compartment, in which heating, cooling and hot water production processes are effected, room for control cabinet and electrical power supply and a room simulating a small, low-energy house. On the top of a roof were installed solar collectors which provide heat energy for the installation.In the summer the surplus of solar energy is acumulated for further use during winter season. The sysem ensures a very low loss of energy during the whole process. Thanks to that it is possible to heat house with energy of the sun all round year, irrespective of the weather. At the moment a detailed research on the effectiveness of this technology is in progress – said Bartosz Starosielec, specialist of Department of Research and Development in Mostostal Warszawa. 

On 4-6 April in Warsaw partners of MERTIS project met on cyclic workshops regarding thermochemical energy storage technology. During the meeting scientific assumptions of developed technology were discussed and demonstrative installation was presented. In April 2015 Mostostal Warszawa had sent the prototype to Spain where it was tested with success under summer conditions. In October it was shipped back to Poland where Department of Research and Development was carrying out observation and research on the set up of all installations during winter.

Source: Drawing presenting technological process elaborated in project MERITS

The realization of MERITS project is another scientific and research challenge in which Department od Research and Develpoment of Mostostal Warszawa isinvolved. This way our company strenghtens its position on the market as a leader of innovations and reliable partner caring for sustainable development and operates for tightening cooperation of scientific and industrial consortiums.

In the project realization are involved: Juliusz Żach, Head of Department of Research and Develpoment of Mostostal Warszawa accompanied by Bartosz Starosielec and Maciej Bugajski.

For more information about partners and detailed progress of work we invite you to the official website of MERITS project: