Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Mostostal Warszawa invites for the Safety Week 2016

06 April 2016

Safety Week is a joint initiative of members of the Association for Safety in the Construction Industry. On 25th April 2016 will be celebrated third edition of this event. It is the biggest action in Poland organised in order to enhance level of safety in the construction sector.

Safety Week has been gaining more popularity every year. In last years’ workshops, trainings and other activities promoting OHS culture participated more than 30 000 people – workers of the member companies and subcontractors in nearly 300 different locations across the whole country. This is another good step towards better safety standards in the construction industry, regarded as one of the most dangerous. Still, there is much to be done in this field. Joint actions of the companies which compete on daily basis evidence that safety is the supreme value here.

Motto of this year’ celebrations of Safety Week is: Turn on thinking - think and respond. This message plays a vital role, because every man working on the site – irrespective of the function, workplace, dependencies - is and should be responsible for safety. As evidenced in the statistics, we are often misguided by routine, lack of imagination and finally ignorance regarding basic safety procedures. For this reasons, good organisation of the works on the site, intelligent execution of the works as well as professional and responsible supervision are so important. During Safety Week 2016 association’s members want to pay a special attention to cooperation and shared responsibility. That kind of attitude can save health and lives of many people.   

To improve safety in construction sector members of Association work all year.  Safety Week is the crowning of its activities. This is a time when on hundreds of sites across Poland are organised interesting events related with work safety. For example, in previous years took place equipment and presentations, lectures of experts, exercises evacuation with participation of firefighters or exercises on first aid. One more time National Labour Inspetorate (PIP) has taken the patronage over the celebrations.

Few years back the Association set up key objectives to achieve. Its realization is already bringing a visible results and benefits.We believe that this year’ Safety Week will be a greater succes than in the past and that knowledge we will gain on these dayes will help us to enhance level of safety on our construction sites. Our goal: ‘zero accidents on the site’ still remains valid.    

See more information about activities of the Association for Safety in the Construction Industry, initiatives taken so far and detalis about Safety Week 2016 on the official website:  

We also encourage you to see movies* about following safety principles.