Mostostal Warszawa initiates Campaign “#On the way”
Mostostal Warszawa, as a socially responsible company, supports safety on Polish roads. The company initiated the “#On the way” campaign.
Mostostal Warszawa provided two of the cars used by the Health and Safety Department with complete equipment used to provide first aid to the injured in accidents. The purchased emergency kits will include kits for oxygen therapy, stasis, orthopedic collars or splints for immobilizing fractures. Employees of our Health and Safety Department have undergone a course of qualified first aid, giving the rescuer permission.
- Mostostal Warszawa is currently implementing several dozen contracts throughout the country. The employees of our Health and Safety Department perform their duties on Polish roads thousands of miles. As part of good practice and our social responsibility, we provided them with equipment and trained, in case of encountering people in need of assistance, they could give such assistance - says Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board of Mostostal Warszawa.
The good practice introduced by Mostostal Warszawa will allow for greater availability of first aid training, which we address to our employees and subcontractors, but also to help those injured in road accidents.
- The name of the campaign: "#On the way" reflects its goals and convergence with the characteristics of Mostostal Warszawa. The password reflects the specificity of our approach to business. We are a company that willingly participates in important CSR initiatives. We would like to give help to those injured in accidents, while going to our construction sites - says Mariusz Piątkowski, Head of Health and Safety Department at Mostostal Warszawa.
This is the pilot of the program.
- We plan to involve more employees in the project and interest other general contractors in the idea, especially these, who are signatories of the "Agreement for Safety in Construction” - says Jacek Szymanek.
Mostostal Warszawa is one of the signatories of the Agreement on Safety in Construction - an initiative created in August 2010 by the seven largest general contractors in our country. The mission of the Agreement is to carry out activities aimed at raising the level of work safety culture in the construction industry, and the goal is to eliminate fatal accidents on Polish construction sites.
In the photo: Paweł Badysiak and Grzegorz Żurek from the Health and Safety Department of Mostostal Warszawa