Mostostal Warszawa concerts for safety
Mostostal Warszawa focuses on employees security. We are taking care of occupational high standards and sustainability in our company. We are also a member of Association for Safety in the Construction. And moreover we do not forget about E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N, so that we could not fail to sponsor the program about fire protection „Numbers of Yours Friends 998 – 112” (Numery Twoich Przyjaciół 998 - 112) and the program „We want to live - safetly” (Bezpiecznie - chce się żyć).
„Numbers of Yours Friends 998 – 112” is national, information and prevention program which aims to improve safety in general. In the scope of the program across the country take place seminars about fire protection. On the journey seminars are organised in cities in all districts of Poland to interest and raise awarness of as many people as possible.
Safety does not mean boredom!
The program is divided in two parts: theoretical and artistic. In the first firefighters shortly tell about dangers and in the interesting way educate what to do in case of any unfortunate accident and also how to react if fire breaks out. Their presentations involve multimedia material which is long to remember. Seminars are always accompanied by performances of stars of the Polish music scene. Supporting the iniciative, in recent years on scene have starred, among others, Łukasz Zagrobelny, IRA, Ryszard Rynkowski, Andrzej Piaseczny, Tatiana Okupnik, artists from TV series Ranczo and Jerzy Kryszak. This year, after meeting in Warsaw concert of Christmas carols will play Folk Group of Song and Dance 'Mazowsze' and Golec uOrkiestra.
Mostostal Warszawa invites you all to common carol singing with safety in mind!
Give a moment for safety – take a look at the program profile „Numbers of Yours Friends 998 - 112”
Soon more information about the program „We want to live – safetly”