Mostostal Warsaw shares knowledge about FRP composites
Mostostal Warszawa shares knowledge about FRP composites In the industry title "News of the Polish Committee for Standardization" a publication by Mostostal Warszawa on the standardization and wide application of FRP composites in the process of designing structures has appeared. The author of the text is Juliusz Żach, Head of Research and Development Department at Mostostal Warszawa.
- Mostostal Warszawa possesses the largest portfolio of bridge structures in Poland utilizing FRP composite as a construction material. The implementation of these projects required us to overcome many obstacles, not only technical or technological but also administrative. The forthcoming publication of norms is a milestone in popularizing the use of FRP composites in construction. Formalities will be significantly simplified, expanding the possibilities of using these materials - says Juliusz Żach.
We are a leader in the use of FRP composites
Mostostal Warszawa is a pioneer in the use of FRP composites as the primary material for road bridges. The first such structure was built by us in 2015 in Błażowa, Podkarpacie.
Designing structures using FRP composites entails a number of benefits and constitutes a significant step towards the efficient and long-lasting construction of road bridges.
FRP composites:
- are lightweight, exhibit above-average strength properties,
- offer vast possibilities for shaping the characteristics of the designed element,
- are resistant to environmental factors; in the case of replacing steel with composites, the structure becomes completely resistant to corrosion.
Mostostal Warszawa continuously works towards the development of technology and the use of FRP composites. Since 2018, we have been a part of TC 329, the Technical Committee, which covers Structures and Materials of Polymer Composites in its scope of activity.
The article is available on page 14 of the "News of the Polish Committee for Standardization"
photog. MW.