Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

InfraBIM conference: we presented innovations for monitoring of bridges

26 May 2023

We presented the main results of the work of the scientific-industrial consortium of the IM-SAFE project, whose main goal is to spread the technology of monitoring road infrastructure objects and methods of analyzing the collected data.

IM-SAFE is a research and development project funded under the European Horizon 2020 program. The project aims to change the maintenance practice of road infrastructure facilities involving mainly the repair of of emerging faults and failures. The new approach promotes preventive action by anticipating the timing and extent of required repairs, thereby ensuring better use of resources and improving safety.

The infraBIM Conference, which took place May 23-25 in Krakow, was attended by Patrycja Sanecka, Research and Development Specialist at Mostostal Warszawa. In addition to the results of the IM-SAFE project, Patrycja Sanecka's presentation included a key substantive contribution to the preparation of a European standard, the implementation of which will allow for automated surveillance and exchange of information on the condition of road infrastructure in Europe. Among the participants of the infraBIM event were a number of experts involved in structural monitoring, including the organizer and originator of the conference - Prof. Marek Salamak, a recognized expert in bridge engineering, who contributed to the development of the assumptions of the future standard as part of the "Communities of Practice IM-SAFE" working meetings organized by Mostostal Warsaw.

Click to read more about Mostostal Warszawa's research and development activities 
Click, if you want to watch a video promoting the IM-SAFE project.


In the main photo: Patrycja Sanecka, Research and Development Specialist, during the presentation of the IM-SAFE project results.
Photo in the text: Krzysztof Dul, Research and Development Supervisor, at a function at the InfraBIM conference.

Photo by Juliusz Żach