Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Gold Award of Safe Work Leaders once again for Mostostal Warszawa

31 October 2017

On 25 October 2017 in Rzeszów the  20th Conference took place of the Forum of Leaders in Occupational Safety organised by the Central Institute for Labour Protection. The event was accompanied by a ceremony of handing out Awards for Safe Work Leaders, which are the most important distinction granted to Forum members in appreciation of effects of their activity executed in favour of increasing the safety level and protection of the employee health. Mostostal Warszawa has once again been distinguished by the Gold Award.

The  20th Conference of the Forum of Safe Work Leaders is a meeting of Forum members consisting of 126 enterprises being leaders in issues pertaining to safe work culture. Objectives of the organisation include among others building partnership contacts between its members, executing activities aimed at deployment and propagation of results of the programme called “Improvement of occupational safety and conditions” and implementation of research and target projects.

This year the Forum members met for the twentieth time and participated in a discussion regarding issues of managing occupational safety and health. The meeting provided a perfect opportunity for example to discuss issues concerning hazards posed by chemical and biological substances and age management in enterprises.

The conference was accompanied by a ceremony of handing out awards of Awards for Safe Work Leaders, which are awarded every two years. The distinctions depend on results of activity of the given enterprise oriented at assuring safe working conditions and occupational health of the employees. The Central Institute for Labour Protection awards Green, Silver and Gold Awards for Safe Work Leaders.

“Each enterprise applying for admittance to a Gold Award of Safe Work Leaders has to meet several important conditions. One of them is documenting activities enhancing working safety as well as a listing of indices related to accidents at work and professional diseases in the enterprise – it may not exceed the average domestic value in the given economic section. The remaining requirements include a lowered contribution to social health accident insurance and a devised and deployed management system for occupational safety and health. Elements being verified include also the systematic execution of the preventive activity and its effects” – said   Mariusz Piątkowski, Head of the OHS Department of Mostostal Warszawa, who picked up the award on behalf of his enterprise.

Mostostal Warszawa was distinguished by this title for the first time in 2015, and this year once again received the distinction of the Gold Award of Safe Work Leaders. It proves high corporate standards related to occupational safety and health.

“Activity oriented at safety is one of our strategic priorities. Mostostal Warszawa is among others one of the founding members of the Agreement on Safety in Construction Industry. We are operating under the strict leadership of enterprises doing their best to initiate changes, and which managed to change to the better as the effect. Mostostal Warszawa remains in strict contact with general contractors on the Polish construction market. We are presenting a joint standpoint in safety issues, which gives our opinion a much stronger driving force. We wish to avoid all mistakes which would cost anyone their life. The subsequent distinction of the Gold Award proves to us the effectiveness of our activities oriented at OHS and constitutes further motivation to the deployment of further efficiency improvements” – said  Jacek Szymanek, Board Member for Management and Administration of Mostostala Warszawa.

Being a member of the Forum of Safe Work Leaders as of 2000, the company has been undertaking all kinds of activities aimed at enhancing OHS standards and strives at the full elimination of accidents on construction sites.