Employees of the S7 construction site provided first aid to those injured in the accident
Several days ago, there was a collision between several vehicles in the area of the reconstructed section of the S-7 national road being implemented by Mostostal Warszawa S.A.. Construction workers provided first aid to the injured. The action was efficiently directed by the section manager Grzegorz Szwed, who witnessed the incident.
Witnesses to the accident behaved in an exemplary manner and did not delay in providing assistance and calling the emergency services.
- The situation that took place made us all realize how important and basic thing to do immediately after calling the emergency services is to secure the accident site, hence in consultation with the Health and Safety Department we came to the conclusion that we should equip the cars of the Construction Management with additional first-aid kits dedicated to this type of situation - says Tomasz Adamczyk, Construction Manager of S7 Plonsk - Czosnow.
The photo in the gallery below shows the equipment, which in addition to the standard plasters , bandages , thermal blankets, also includes light flares (which have a magnet), a head flashlight, a glass hammer, or protective gloves to protect against cuts. In addition, the first aid kits have been equipped with a contact list of the various units: such as the numbers for the Road Manager's Districts , PID numbers or the Contracting Officer.
- This is an attitude worthy of imitation, and it is important to remember that safety is not only about procedures, but also about the behavior of individuals. First aid training is ahead of us, we will inform you of the details soon- says Marcin Krysiewicz, Head of the Integrated Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems Department.
It is also noteworthy that the Contractor of the section took over the maintenance of the existing road network with a total length of about 40 km, including 5 km of expressway , 7 km of class "GP" road and 28 km of provincial, district and municipal roads , thus the probability of similar incidents is high.