EcoGenerator at TPOK 2016 – VIII Thermal Municipial Waste Treatment Conference
VIII Thermal Municipial Waste Treatment Conference– technologies, realization of the project, financing will be held in Bydgoszcz on 25-26 February. During one of the conference session will be discussed investment development stage of the Thermal Municipial Waste Treatment Plant in Szczecin, which general contractor is Mostostal Warszawa.
Infrastructure for waste treatment operations in Poland is underdeveloped in comparison to other european countries. Due to that and construction and start-up’s of new waste incineration plants in our country this year’s meeting gains a special meaning. Mostostal Warszawa will be represented at the conference by Robert Kowalski, Head of Department of Enviroment Protection.
Participants of the discussion will be, among others, representatives of Ministry of Energy, Izba Gospodarcza Wodociągi Polskie, Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, Urząd Miasta Poznania, Krakowski Holding Komunalny and Zakładu Utylizacyjny from Gdańsk. Beneficiaries of the project for new waste incineration plants in Poland in: Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Konin, Kraków, Poznań, Szczecin, will be also participating in the meeting.
The conference is adressed, above all, to the future users of ZTUO (local authorities, investors, municipial companies) and future receivers of electricity and heat produced from waste (energy and heating companies). The moderator of the meeting will be dr inż. Grzegorz Wielgosiński, Faculty of Process Engineering and Enviroment Protection at University of Technology in Łódź.
Finance and legal matters of the projects concerning thermal municipial waste treatment will be one of the main topics at the conference. Experiences of the companys on Polish and foreign markets gained during realization of such projects as well as possibilities of using modern technologies and current investment development stage of waste incineration plants in Poland will be also presented. The progress of the works on the construction site in ZTUO in Szczecin which general contractor is our company, will be in the centre of attention also.
- EcoGenerator by incinerating 150 000 tonnes of municipial waste per year will contribute to reduce deposits of waste and as a result to protect natural enviroment. At the same time it will produce electricity and heat. The power of CHP plant will be 7,5 MWe and 32 MWt. The annual amount of energy produced is estimated at 56 000 MWh and 850 000. The same amount is required to cover electricity and heat for approx. 30 000 flats in the city.It will be one of the most modern waste incineration plants in Europe and a scale of the project as well as its location at the Szczecin harbour, which makes it a unique ecologial town on the water, is challenging for the contractor – said Robert Kowalski, Head of Department of Enviroment Protection.
EcoGenerator in Szczecin realizes also ideal of modern, people- and eco-friendly city. The wast incineration plant is an indispensable element of the waste management system and constitutes part of sustainable development policy which aims that economy can not be developed at a cost of the enviroment and living conditions of future generations. This idea is really important to us. One way to achieve that is, for example, recycling. However, waste which can not be recycled, should be neutralise without jeopardising health and enviroment and this task can accomplish modern waste treatment plants.
Conference in Bydgoszcz is a great opportunity to gain practical knowledge regarding technologically advanced, demanding projects which so far haven’t been realized on a greater scale in Poland. Apart from theoretical sessions, time for debate was planned during TPOK, which offers a chance to deepen discussion about sustainable municipial waste management considering role of waste incineration plants in it. Nowadays, in Poland funcionates five thermal waste treatment plants. Four of them has been commissioned in recent months.