Acciona Mostostal Warszawa is part of the Acciona Capital Group.

Doosan, Mostostal Warszawa with Acciona Industrial will fight together for Ostrołęka

10 March 2017

Doosan, Mostostal Warszawa and Acciona Industrial submitted a request with all the necessary documents to participate in prequalification in a turn-key tender to construct power unit in Ostrołęka of 1000 MWe.

On 10th March 2017 Doosan, world leader in turn-key delivery of new power generation units, Mostostal Warszawa, one of the leading companies in the Polish construction market of energy infrastructure and Acciona Industrial, a world leader in energy construction, submitted together documents to the prequalification in the tender bidding process for construction of new power unit of 1000 MWe, denominated Ostrołęka Power Plant C. The estimated value of the order amounts to PLN 6 billion. It is going to be a supercritical power unit with the efficiency of at least 45%. The tender was announced on 17th December 2016 by the Elektrownia Ostrołęka SA of the Energa Group.

Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction acts as a leader of the consortium. We believe that partnership between Doosan and Mostostal Warszawa will permit to create a strong core structure for building the new unit in the Ostrołęka Power Plant, a strategic power generation unit for Polish energy system. At this point, it is worth to notice that the companies have a rich experience in the world and national markets and offer a high-quality own technology – said Mariusz Marciniak, Sales Director at Doosan in Poland.

Nowadays, Mostostal Warszawa is participating in the construction of new supercritical units in Opole Power Plant. It is the most significant industrial investment in Poland after 1989 where the company realises a wide and advanced scope of work, including boilers’ pressure parts. In February, took place a pressure test that allowed to put into service boiler no. 5. The successful operation proved the proper implementation of all the work done so far.

Construction of Ostrołęka Power Plant C is another key step in the development of the Polish energy system. Mostostal Warszawa has proven its competence in the realisation of such projects, and that can be observed in the example of construction of power units in Opole where everything goes on the schedule. With Doosan and our Spanish strategic partner Acciona we form a strong consortium, capable of completing a large scale project like this providing the highest performance. The excellent expertise in the Polish market, experience in realising modern supercritical units and assembly of technological installations plus our credentials constitute the most strong suits of our partnership – added Paweł Żbikowski, Director of Energy Department at Mostostal Warszawa.

About Doosan

Doosan builds and provides maintenance services for power plants across the world to prolong its lifetime. We offer clean, flexible and integrated energy solutions in the turnkey formula using the state-of-art technologies and expert knowledge, at the best level. Starting from modern turbines and boiler systems, through the whole spectrum of after-sales services, Doosan offers wide range of services for industrial facilities, energy and petrochemical sectors.   

Doosan unites the rich heritage of Doosan Lentjes, Doosan Babcock in boiler technology, environmental protection systems and thermal waste processing plants and Doosan Skoda Power – leader provider of technologies and processes for turbo-generator systems. Together, with our integrated technologies and services, we are a team that provides technologically advanced and highly economic solutions.

For more information visit company’s website 

Mostostal Warszawa is one of the biggest construction companies in Poland. For over 70 years of business operations, the company has realised thousands of projects of all kind in each construction sector across the country and abroad. Extensive experience in energy construction is evidenced by the high-class investments, including assembly, modernisation, comprehensive construction of process installations for the largest producers of Energy in Poland such as ZE PAK SA, power plants in Kozienice, Opole, Turów.

Acciona Industrial is a world leader in power generation. The company forms part of the Spanish concern Acciona and specialises in the delivery of technologically advanced turnkey projects in the area of thermal generation, oil[&]gas, and hydroelectric generation. It is capable of undertaking any stage of a project: basic or detailed engineering, purchasing, construction, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance.