Bridge in Błażowa in the textbook for primary schools
Pupils from primary schools will read about the bridge in Błażowa, which was built by Mostostal Warszawa. Information about this innovative investment was included in the textbook "We and our school", published by the "Elementarz*" Foundation.
The textbook is distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons License. Every child, teacher or parent can use it for free at school and at home. The textbook can be downloaded here (lesson about bridges - pp. 50-51).
- I am glad that we could support "Elementarz*" Foundation by providing it with materials regarding the bridge in Błażowa. It is important that we can conduct business activity in a socially responsible manner, supporting interesting initiatives - says Jacek Szymanek, Member of the Board of Mostostal Warszawa. - Among the investments that we are currently implementing are facilities related to the education of the youngest, e.g. primary school in Warsaw's Wilanów. I feel satisfaction with our modest contribution to the shape of the textbook "We and our school".
*M. Lorek, M. Zatorska, Podręcznik do szkoły podstawowej "My i nasza szkoła", klasa 3, część 3B, Katowice 2019.