IM-SAFE knowledge base for bridge professionals now available
Mostostal Warszawa's R&D Department has developed a knowledge base in the field of bridge diagnostics. It was prepared as part of popularising and discussing its work in the IM-SAFE project.
The knowledge base we created can be found on the project website. It contains, among other things:
- map of monitored bridges in Europe,
- overview of technologies and testing methods used,
- an overview of measurement data analysis methods used
- overview of transport infrastructure management strategies
- summary of bridge condition quality control elements,
- review of applied concepts in bridge diagnostics.
Mostostal Warszawa, together with partners from the Dutch institute TNO and companies from the construction and IT industries, is implementing the IM-SAFE project, aimed at supporting the activities of the European Commission. The project will review good practices and inventory existing construction monitoring technologies. Through workshop meetings of market participants and practitioners, representing all involved parties, i.e. road authorities, contractors, equipment manufacturers, the needs and priorities of standardisation work will be defined.
As part of the conclusion of the next stage of the IM-SAFE project, we will present the results of the work one year after the first meeting at a national meeting of experts in bridge diagnostics. This is a form of exchange of good practice aimed at involving representatives of the public and private sectors in the standardisation process, the dissemination of new solutions and their local implementation. The collected opinions and views of the participants will be taken into account in the further development of documents for a harmonised standard for the Central Committee for Standardisation.
During the meeting we will present the identified political and social as well as technological and economic barriers to bridge diagnostics, give our recommendations to remove them or minimise their negative effects, show the relationship between these barriers and limitations in existing standards, and present an overview of the latest methods and tools used for assessing the condition of engineering structures.
The latest IM-SAFE publications can be found on the LinkedIN profile and on the official project website.