A Week for Safety
Today starts the third edition of the biggest country-wide event on safety in the construction industry – Safety Week 2016. On 25-29 April on the sites governed by Mostostal Warszawa has been planned many interesting activities. This year celebrations include safety issues in planning and response. We will learn, for example, how to identify hazardous situations, we will verify our current knowledge and provide tips for construction employees. Goal to be achieved: encourage our minds to think, put in motion a wheel of safety imagination! Go!
„Turn on thinking at the site – plan and respond!”
This is the main theme of the third, country-wide edition of Safety Week, and as indicated, during this year's action we will devote special attention to the areas of planning and response. At that time, Mostostal Warszawa will discuss the benefits of planning, risks arising from ignorance or lack of commitment on the part of competent supervision, as well as the significance of events potentially conducive to accidents and importance of responding to them. Safety Week 2016 will be marked by such questions as: Why it is important to make plans? How to stay vigilant? What could be a source of a danger? How to identify dangers and how to respond propely in case of any dangerous situation?
Long live the prevention!
Research shows that construction industry is still one of the most dangerous mode of economy and represents the highest rate of fatal accidents – three times higher compared to other industries. Unfortunate events occur often because of carelessness, routine work, lack of imagination or ignorance of basic safety rules. Many of accidents can be avoided by eliminating its causes, that is why Association for Safety in the Construction Industry decided to focus on the importance of prevention this year.
– We are sending a message that trite thoughts like „it is impossible to forcast everything” should be declined. While planning a project many dangers and difficulties can be avoided by risk assesment and anticipating some events. Knowledge is essential here and it comes from exchange of experiences. Day to day our staff supported by OHS department works hard to keep the highest safety standards. We attach great attention to the safety, because it is an investment in life which is the prime value. We control ourselfves to minimize risks. This way we also gain a unique knowledge which will be useful in the future and which we share with other members of the Association. This is how unwritten guidelines of safety are being made. This is a list of good practices, dangerous occurences, mistakes to be avoid which is helpful to forcast various situations. Moreover, the focus is on people. The people on the site who know and see much more. We wish that construction employees feel safe and be able to share their thoughts and acknowledge situations that should not no be ignored – said Andrzej Goławski, President of the Management Board of Mostostal Warszawa.
Every action needs reaction
This year goal is to stimulate awarness of every employee on the site, irrespective his function, dependencies, position in the hierarchy. We will be teaching how to plan work, how to act responsibly, we will put a special emphasis on keeping obligatory safety standards and we will be encouraging to response to any suspicious, disturbing signals – before something bad is going to happen. Our company policy as well as a number of regulatory requirements in our country highlight the need of maintaining safety. However, there are situations in which those rules do not apply. Where the power of paragraphs does not reach, planning and common sense should take over. Every construction worker should be aware of dangers, and what is important, they should not underestimate it. Hazardous situation have this characteristics, that someday may become the cause of a deadly tragedy.
– We want every employee to stick to the procedures and also understand dangers and know how to response to them. We try to develope safety policy by attracting employees to participate into action. Safety Week is made for this, but not only. There is many ways to participate in the. The sites have fully freedom in organising their ideas. The most important thing is to make everyone realize that safety week does not end in April, but lasts all year – said Mariusz Piątkowski, Head of OHS Department of Mostostal Warszawa.
What we have planned this year?
The program of activities prepared for the Safety Week in Mostostal Warszawa includes both proposals prepared for the occasion which we can find in the Book of Ideas and bottom-up initiatives. For example there will take place:
- quarters for safety talks,
- inspection of tools,
- work with power tools,
- spectacular shows featuring high altitude rescue,
- art contests for children,
- shows and first aid training,
- open ophthalmologic consultation with a professional eye tests,
- educational trips for students,
- construction visits and talks about safety with President of the Management Board - Andrzej Goławski.
Safety Week is organised by Association for Safety in the Construction in the scope of the joint promotion of the safety policy and enhancing OHS culture on the sites. Year after year, the initiative is gaining more popularity. Grows not onle an interest, but also a commitment of employees in preparations for the event. Last year, Safety Week gathered 30 000 people in more than 300 localisations across the country.